Tax Credits Claim Return Deduction Refund Concept


This session will review the current Department of Labor regulations as they apply to the white-collar exemptions to the minimum wage and overtime requirement of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The tests for exemption are the salary basis test, minimum salary requirement, and the duties tests. These tests have changed over the years and are complex and can be confusing. In addition, there are strict record-keeping requirements and salary integrity requirements to prevent the disqualification of the exemption.

Both the federal Department of Labor and State Wage and Hour agencies are engaged in enforcement initiatives concerned with misclassification of employees as exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act overtime requirements. Employers are often confused as to which exemptions may apply to a particular employee. Making sure that employees are properly classified as exempt or non-exempt can be a daunting task. Misclassification of employees as exempt can be costly in terms of penalties and back pay awards for overtime compensation.

Areas Covered

  • The executive, administrative, professional, and selected other exemptions
  • The requirements for exemption: the salary basis, salary amount, and duties tests
  • The differences in the various types of exemptions.
  • Work activities that support exempt status and those that indicate nonexempt status
  • Common misconceptions about exempt status, job titles, and salary basis
  • Proper application of the federal salary basis test.
  • Employer actions that defeat exemption
  • Exceptions to the salary basis and salary amount rules
  • Why time records matter

Learning Objectives

  • Distinguish between the various types of exemptions.
  • Identify whether specific work activities support exempt status or nonexempt status
  • Know the common misconceptions about exempt status, job titles, and salary basis
  • Understand proper application of the federal salary basis test.
  • Identify employer actions that defeat exemption
  • Identify exceptions to the salary basis rules
  • Explain why time records for exempt employees matter

Who Should Attend

  • Human Resources Supervisors and Personnel
  • Payroll Supervisors and Personnel
  • Payroll Service Providers
  • Public Accountants
  • Internal Auditors
  • Enrolled Agents
  • Officers and Managers with Payroll or Compliance Oversight
  • Company / Business Owners
  • Managers/ Supervisors
  • Public Agency Managers
  • Audit and Compliance Personnel / Risk Managers

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